An evening at home. A pot roast stewed in the crockpot all day for dinner. Games were pulled out. Candles lit. Bacon wrapped little smokies, chips and salsa, and cake were the munchies. Blankets and more candles. Behind the camera, we bundled up in blankets and several of us were and still are battling a respiratory virus. Daughter E and I made it to midnight, and we woke up Daddy to join us for the grape juice toast. We tried the other two girls and daughter H briefly woke up for a sip of juice and fell back asleep. It was cozy and quiet and a beautiful start to 2019.
Happy New Year!
Trials stretch + grow us giving the wisdom + strength to move forward. I hope for warm + cozy and love + blessings to overflow in the days to come. May I use this knowledge to walk boldly in faith. I don't know what the days to come will bring forth, but I trust in the Father's plan to unfold.
I love hearing from you and read and appreciate every comment and email. Your kind words, both here in the comment box and slipped into my email, mean the world to me. Thank you so much! ~xo