
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.   - Hebrews 12:1
My word of the year:  Less

As I watch the candle light dance beside me, I am reminded of the light among darkness.  The year 2019, was a reality into seeing the darkness.  It grew around me and I could see the world growing deeper in darkness.  ...but with a small bit of light, it can never be completely dark. -amen!-   I was faithfully reminded of God's shining light that illuminates the path of uncertainties ahead. My husband leaving his job, an out-of-state move away from family, change, all hovers like a heavy cloud.  May I feel the reign of His blessings come from those clouds.

The page on the calendar just rolled in a New Year, and with that the chatter of resolutions and such were floating around.  The focus word that cultivated deeper thoughts in the days ahead.    This was my cue to start thinking of my word of the year.  This will be my 12th word.  It's hard to believe that I have been doing this for 12 years!

I knew what word but I struggled between the desire to eagerly embrace it as I had other chosen words of the past, and the smack-in-face reality of how hard it's going to be to carry this word for a year.  I tried to think of a better word.  The kind that wouldn't require such work or sacrifice.  But the word was actually necessary.  This word chose me.  We are facing a move and really needing less of the stuff that stares at me among the constant piles of clutter.  The little nudges of less followed me around in my deep thoughts and I finally succumbed to acceptance.  So, my focus word will be LESS.  We've all the heard the phrase "less is more" and I'm anxious to watch this word unfold in the year ahead.

 It means giving up things, misplaced time that I continually waste, and parts of me that need to be less  - I must decrease, so that God can find room to increase and show me His plan.


"He must increase, but I must decrease.”

John 3:30
 A few ways I've been already pondering this word are:

  • less clutter = more beauty
  • less social media = more time with family
  • less me = more God
  • less worry = more rest/peace
  • less spending = more saved
Past Words of the Year
2009 - compassion
2010 - yearn
2011 - tomorrow
2012 - BeLoved
2013 - abundance
2014 - be still
2015 - nourish
2016 - slow
2017 - restore
2018 - meaningful
2019 - quiet
2020 - less