Someday Remember

Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, and things you never want to lose.  

- The Wonder Years


This quote is prefect for the prologue to our story.  I want to hold onto to all the memories and treasure them all up in my heart . . . like Mary (Luke 2:19).  My memory fades with time and writing them and capturing snapshots is a way to preserve the memories.  

Home is where our story begins.

My earliest memories are living on a large cul-de-sac with neighborhood friends.  We were just the average family with the large climbing tree and a split rail fence in the front yard.  We had a dog, our school within walking distance, and a church nearby that I played in during its construction and later had my faith built alongside.

But that family sort of broke one day.  The glory of God is He can fix the broken and make it beautiful again like the Japanese art of Kintsugi.


This is the way I want this story to unfold.  I want each broken part of me to be a masterpiece of God's handiwork.  Each messy crack, intricately inlaid with His love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

We live in such a broken world, but I try to imagine the greater beauty that comes from the pieces being put back together.  We then become of museum of priceless art.  The memories from each filled crack are stories of seasonal harmony.

"Nothing is really lost to us 

as long as we remember it."

L.M. Montgomery