Seasonal Home Journal - let's stay home

-living seasonally

We just got home on Friday and we've had 2 days of rain and it's starting to snow right now.  It's cold but I love the transition of hard rain to a quiet silence when the rain turns into flakes.  

-thinking deeply

I'm trying to create a feeling of vintage warmth in our home.  I've had the same "things" and layout in our home for years and years and I'm feeling the need for a change.  I am trying to be frugal in the process and toss the stuff that doesn't tug at my heart strings to keep.  I guess I want that special feeling of looking at something and wondering about the story behind it.  

 a sign I bought here with a coupon

-turning pages

Being that we've been on the road, on vacation, or just getting back home and putting things away and playing catch up, there hasn't been many pages in the books turned.  But that is changing with this school week.

-establishing rhythm

Since we got home, I have been sluggish and pushing a bit of lazy.  I'm really tired and giving myself grace.  ...and I have a daughter sick with the flu that we picked up from her cousin.  I'm sure this will hinder our rhythm this week.  I'm ready to stay home this week!

-cultivating simplicity

Planning our meals has been helping with some simplicity.  Meals are the area I struggle with the most.  Give me laundry and cleaning and I can stay on top of it, but cooking 3 meals a days is hard.

-creating beauty

Just going through the mail, emptying suitcases and getting laundry done has made a difference in the clutter around me.

-candle burning

Currently, I have Flannel (orange peels, patchouli, and soft musk) burning.  It seems perfect for this wintry day.

". . . and His mother treasured all these things in her heart."

Luke 2:51